Subway 3.0 baths
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A relaxing break
How about a little spa break at home? With lots of space and a comfortable back rest, the ergonomically shaped bath provides everything you need for relaxing wellness moments. Its narrow rim and timeless design also make the Subway 3.0 bath an eye-catching feature.

Ultra-quiet bathing pleasure
The SilentFlow valve integrated in the base fills your bath quickly and pleasantly quietly, with no loud sound of running water – ensuring your time out from everyday (family) life is more restful and relaxing right from the start.

A peaceful haven in a premium material
Enjoy exceptional bathing comfort in every respect: in the asymmetric and ergonomically designed Antao Quaryl® bath. Its shape looks almost as if it had been polished smooth by water. Like a pebble on a river bed. Quaryl’s heat-retaining property also makes the material feel pleasant on the skin.